Oven Roasted Goat

The net says that 75% of the world eats goat. It’s like a lean lamb and I can totally understand why they do. It’s flavour is subtle and delicate while without the greasy fat. It’s a fantastic meat, which I enthusiastically recommend you try.

To roast some goat, I recommend you let it rest in a marinade. This will stop it drying out while cooking. I infused some herbs in a solution of 15 parts water to 1 part cider vinegar. I let the meat soak a couple of hours before cooking.

Goat is a slow cook meat, so you need to plan the roast in advance. Cook it at 160-170 degrees Celsius until it’s around 71 degrees in the centre.
I recommend you seal the meat first and if you can use a cast iron pan then all the better as it can go directly in the oven after sealing.

Goat in many ways is like lamb when it comes to herbs and spices, but be aware that the flavour is delicate and can be easy list by other powerful flavours.

– B)

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